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Image showing Nursery child drawing

Visit our school

Our next open open morning is on Friday 27th June 2025 9.30 am - 11.00 am. 

Poster with details of the 2024-2025 open morning dates

Apply for a school place

New Reception Starters

You are required to submit an online admissions application form to the local authority when starting school for the first time. You will now need to make a late application for September 2025. Please visit the Worcestershire School Admissions online application portal

When you will be told about your school place offer

Allocation day is Wednesday 16th April 2025. 

Click here to find out more about Reception at Burlish Park Primary School.

In Year Transfers

If you would like to move to Burlish Park Primary School within a school year, or you have just moved to the area and need to apply for a place at our school, you will need to complete an In year application with the local authority. 

Apply for a nursery place

To apply for a place at our nursery, please complete the online enrolment form.

Find out more about our school

To arrange a tour of our school, or to speak to us about a school place, please contact our friendly office team on 01299 823771 or email

Apply for a Place in our Nursery
Call us to Arrange a Visit

Admissions criteria – Full details of our admissions criteria are detailed with the Admissions Policy available below.  Where there are more applications than places available, the School Improvement Board Members will admit pupils according to the admissions criteria in order of priority.

Appeals – In the event of applicants not being admitted to the school, they may submit an appeal in writing, setting out the grounds on which the appeal is made, to the Chair of School Improvement Board at the school within 20 school days of the date of notification of the refusal of a place.  Reasonable deadlines will be set for those making an appeal to submit any additional evidence. Those making an appeal will receive at least 10 school days notice for their appeal hearing. The appeal will be heard by an independent appeal panel and decision letters are sent within 5 school days of the hearing when possible.