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Parent FAQ

Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below.

How will I know if the school is closed due to bad weather?

In the event of severe weather, we have, on occasions, been forced to close because there are insufficient staff available to run the school without jeopardising the health and safety of pupils.

If the school has to close, we will endeavour to make a decision by 8:00 am of that day. Parents will be informed by the following methods:

  • A text message will be sent to the first contact on the school system.
  • A message will be posted on the school website and on the school social media pages.
  • Information will be relayed to and broadcast on local radio stations. To listen, click on the links below:

BBC Hereford and Worcester 104.6FM

Free Radio 96.7FM

The Local Authority will be informed and they will update the details on their website. Please click here to be directed to Worcester County Council website.

You should always assume that the school is open unless you hear to the contrary through the radio/school website.

What should I do if my child needs to take medicine in school?

If your child has a prescription medicine that needs to be taken four times a day, a first aider will be happy to give this to your child at the required time. The medicine must be brought to the school office and a medicine form must be filled out by a parent or carer.
Please note, we are not able to give non-prescription medicine such as paracetamol.

What should I do if my child has a medical appointment during the school day?

If your child has a medical appointment during the school day please notify the class teacher by means of a note in the home/school diary. You will then need to come to the school office to sign them out at the required time.

Our family want to go on holiday in term time. Can we get permission from school to take our children?

Due to changes in the law, Headteachers are no longer allowed to authorise absences unless under exceptional circumstances. Unfortunately, a family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance.

Worcester County Council guidance on holidays and extended visits overseas during term time can be found in the attachment below.

Worcester County Council absence from school guidance.

On the occasion that term time leave is unavoidable, a form should be requested from the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher and handed into the school office. Please complete only one per family.

The regulations make it clear that parents do not have any right or entitlement to take a child out of school for the purposes of a term time holiday.

The policy of this school is that term-time holidays will NOT be authorised.

Please note that taking unauthorised term time leave may lead to the Local Authority issuing a fixed penalty notice.

What should I do if my child is going to be absent and I have paid for a school meal?

Absences can result in credits being given for the following week if a parent telephones the caterers on 01562 829327 before 9.30am on the morning of the absence to cancel the meal.